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  • Alex Feng

Our Approach to AWS Cloud Adoption Framework

There are multiple benefits to adopting Amazon Web Services (AWS) within your business structure. Data handling, IT management, company processes, and production costs are several common areas a business can expect improvements from implementing an AWS cloud adoption framework (AWS CAF) into their cloud environment.

However, these benefits do not automatically come to fruition simply by implementing an AWS cloud framework. There are preliminary steps businesses should consider before bringing on such an impactful, but also complex, cloud platform. At Magnataur, we have crafted a two-phase approach when it comes to helping businesses implement an AWS cloud adoption framework.

1. Plan & Define

Sitting down and figuring out how to utilize an AWS cloud toolset is the first step that should be taken for long-term success. Businesses need to plan out specific goals the company will look to achieve with AWS, as well as be able to define how those goals will be reached before deployment of the framework even materializes.

Having a clearer understanding of AWS cloud adoption framework improves a business's ability to plan realistic goals and create a seamless deployment of the cloud-based solution. There are six areas of a business, or also known as "perspectives" that an AWS CAF applies to when migrating into a cloud-base workstream. Three of these perspectives are focused on the business aspect of a company:

  1. Business

  2. People

  3. Governance

The other three perspectives focus on the technological aspect of the company:

  1. Platform

  2. Operations.

Executing against each perspective improves your business by:

  • Helping companies better plan goals and define potential outcomes,

  • Breakdown current data handling and security before AWS implementation

  • Clarify how the company is currently executing the six "perspectives" on-premise

2. Design & Deploy

Once the planning and defining stage of an AWS adoption has been successfully completed, next should come the stage of designing and deploying a roadmap to start integrating an AWS cloud adoption into a business.

Having a roadmap in place for all team members and IT personnel involved in implementing an AWS cloud adoption framework paints a clearer picture for the parties involved. A helpful roadmap includes a process layout that has been segmented into three sections:

  • Deliverable

  • Activity

  • Hours

The "Deliverable" section of the roadmap provides a specific goal or outcome that is looking to be achieved during the AWS CAF implementation process. Deliverables can encompass a variety of goals from SIEM evaluation to pipeline configuration. Once the deliverables have been listed and defined to the roadmap, companies should then look to the next step.

The "Activity" section will be where specific tasks and projects need to be accomplished for the deliverables to take shape. There is commonly plenty of IT work needed when it comes to switching to cloud computing. Having an activity section in place is optimal for specifying the exact IT measures so the deployment of the AWS cloud adoption framework is completed on time and minimal to virtually zero set backs.

Building out the third section of the roadmap, "Hours" is where businesses will be able to break down just how much time is needed to complete each individual activity.

A company might have the IT personnel who know how to code for security systems, configure pipelines, and even set up entire dashboards for the AWS cloud adoption framework, but understanding the time needed to complete the tasks is a different animal altogether.

Tracking the hours and timeframe of the AWS adoption helps keep IT staff on track and focused on the goal at hand. By having all hands on deck, projects and tasks and be completed on time which also leads to successfully producing desired outcomes from the "Deliverable" section of the roadmap. Thus, producing an all around exceptional AWS integration and adoption.

Third-Party AWS Cloud Adoption Consulting

Knowing how to manage each layer of technology in AWS requires experience having done this before.

At Magnataur, we have mastered the two-step approach of implementing an AWS cloud adoption framework so companies that are ready to utilize an AWS web service can do so with confidence and ease of mind.

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