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  • Alex Feng

What is DevSecOps? Our Approach

Security is a responsibility for everyone to share; that is the true essence of DevSecOps, where development meets security and operations. Type ‘what is DevSecOps’ into any search engine, and it quickly becomes clear that this pastiche is no mere buzzword: Frameworks developed through DevSecOps build security into applications as a matter of course. To properly infuse security throughout an organization, businesses are recognizing that traditional security protocols are going the way of the dinosaur. In their place, DevSecOps tools that allow for cooperation within an organization and stand to benefit the entity as a whole are flourishing in popularity.

Our method showcases specialized business agility solutions. By taking into consideration each company’s operational and growth needs, this method looks to tackle corresponding complex challenges through engagements that are fully managed; these challenges might previously have resulted in chaos.

Fully managed engagements are the new normal with Magnataur on the roadmap, thanks to a comprehensive business agility solution that examines a company’s digital supply chain and looks to apply optimized DevSecOps automation throughout.

What is DevSecOps? An Implementation Win-Win

When that digital supply chain is clear and concise, it’s a beautiful thing to behold. By applying DevSecOps automation within an operating model with a focus on your digital supply chain, costs can go down. Service quality can increase. Compliance can be ensured. This is the implementation win-win of the DevSecOps model, and thriving businesses attest to the benefits.

The DevSecOps definition and core meaning is clear: development, security and operations are all an important, collaborative fusion at all levels of an organization. By taking IT operations and software development and leveraging these in processes that are automated and continuous, collaboration and clarity results. Security proficiency is heightened. Applications that would previously be reactive if a security breach did occur are already infused with secure capabilities, more able to face the threat as a collective force.

And that digital supply chain? The links in that chain— the people, activities, information and resources that lead to the production of digital goods and services—are able to remain strong, viable, and profitable. That is the strength of the DevSecOps strategy.

Adding Security to an Existing DevOps Model

DevSecOps is a win-win for many organizations that already employ a DevOps framework. DevSecOps is similar to the devops framework, after all, and the added benefit of the security focus is apparent. By shifting security to a prominent place in an established devops continuum, full-scale collaborative development can ensue. Introducing security as a pivotal framework across the organization is a benefit.

Add development and security to operations, and the equation results in a full-scale opportunity for organizational peace of mind. By accelerating security decisions and actions to the same scale and speed as development and operations decisions and actions, all departments can work cohesively and proactively.

Consistent Security at Every Stage

Security is a constant worry for most organizations. Valuable time is wasted trying to answer the corresponding questions: Do we have enough? Do we need more business-driven security services? These are valid and pervasive queries that businesses of today must pose, but there is an answer. DevSecOps tools can help a company thrive. Building that security into applications as the norm makes DevSecOps second nature, an automated means to ensure compliance.

Take a look at the below real-life example, which clearly showcases how our method delivers on these promises:

By building roadmaps to compliance through cloud framework and security hub by integration of Amazon Web Services (AWS), a business can achieve clarity.

A corresponding security hub dashboard makes compliance clear and measurable.

The roadmap adjusts based on recommendations and feedback; assessments are regularly made to identify necessary tweaks.

This is just one example of how the DevSecOps automation, coupled with the operating model of a business, is designed to push that service quality ever-upward. Ensure compliance in real time. Customize a delivery model to achieve what really matters to the individual organization. Ensure continuous integration, not a spotty, costly strategy that is reactive instead of proactive. Reduce compliance costs and deliver software faster.

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