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  • Alex Feng

AWS Dashboard & Tools for Optimizing Your Service Delivery

As more businesses continue to embrace digital migration, streamlining operations and enhancing data security and handling has been a top agenda. Unlike the past few decades, when crucial functions like HR management, accounting and finance, and information dissemination were conducted manually, technology has made such processes exceedingly easy and efficient today.

Amazon Web Service (AWS) is one such technology that has reinvented cloud computing by providing feature-packed services that can help businesses scale and grow faster, thanks to its unlimited data flexibility.

The need to cut on the cost of acquiring and maintaining expensive hardware has made it overly essential for businesses to leverage AWS as a cost-efficient solution. So, are you ready to discover the best AWS dashboard and tools that will transform your business? Let's get down to business.

Amazon CodeGuru

Do you wish to detect and remediate code-based security threats in real-time?

Amazon CodeGuru is your perfect tool for tightening application security using intelligent recommendations for improved code quality. The machine learning-powered tool also has a Reviewer containing numerous security detectors that can uncover security issues in your code before you even deploy it.

Implementing this tool in your business enables you to detect all security vulnerabilities before proceeding to the production stage. Also, employees and end-users remain optimally secure when accessing your services. Below are some of the security best practices and applications breaches that Amazon CodeGuru can detect:

  • AWS API security best practices. With this tool, you can easily follow security best practices while using AWS APIs, hence avoiding hard-coded credentials in API.

  • AWS Security best practices. CodeGuru collaborates with AWS security to enhance internal expertise in customer relations management.

  • Java crypto library best practices. This tool notifies you when you're not using standard Java cryptography best practices to keep you updated with the latest developments.

  • Secure web applications. With CodeGuru, there's no room for the handling of unsecured data as it carefully inspects codes to detect loopholes.

AWS Management Console

AWS Management Console is your one-stop tool for managing cloud computing, cloud storage, and other resources. With this tool, you can manage different accounts, update user groups, solve troubleshooting issues, configure new services, develop new applications, and more.

The best part is that you don't need complicated or expensive hardware to access this tool; as long as you have an AWS account and a supported browser, you're good to go. What's more, the tool is mobile-optimized, and you can effortlessly view available resources and do operational tasks from your mobile device.

Finally, AWS Management Console has apt security features to keep off potential breaches like password/login hacking. Besides, more security measures like automatic login session expiry after 12 hours also exist.

Amazon QuickSight

If you're looking for tool that is:

  • Serverless

  • Scalable

  • Machine learning-enabled

  • Embeddable

Then Amazon QuickSight has got you covered. With this incredible tool, you can create and send insights to everyone in your organization in just a few clicks. You can also perform ad hoc analysis, visualize, and access data from multiple sources, including externally.

So, how does Amazon QuickSight work?

It sends your data to the cloud, connecting it with multiple data sources for easy access, uploading, and ultimate safety. As such, a single data dashboard houses AWS, SaaS, third-party, B2B, spreadsheets, big data, and many more.

In essence, QuickSight enables key decision-makers to access, explore, and interpret data from a broad viewpoint using any mobile device. What else is there to gain from using Amazon QuickSight for data analytics and visualization? Here are a few benefits:

  • Amazingly speedy response, thanks to the in-memory engine, SPICE

  • Low total cost of ownership and zero upfront costs for licenses

  • Binding a series of data into one analysis

  • Hassle-free publishing and sharing of analyses as an AWS dashboard

  • No need to create database permissions

  • Highly collaborative analytics even without an installed application

Amazon Detective

What measures have your company employed to proactively detect a cybersecurity threat before it comes to light?

Amazon Detective is a one-of-a-kind tool that enables you to analyze, probe, and quickly unmask the root cause of a possible security breach or suspicious events.

It works by collecting log data from your company's AWS resources using graph theory, statistical analysis, and machine learning. This builds an integrated data set that you can easily use to investigate potential security issues faster and more efficiently.

Here are some of the benefits of using Amazon Detective to beef up your organization's data security:

Continuous Data Updates

Whether it's IP traffic, internal management operations, or unauthorized activities, Amazon Detective processes every detail of the data records automatically and continuously. It then creates a graph model of the data summary for stress-free visualization and investigation of security-related concerns.

Faster, More Effective Investigations

with all the data sources and resources unified in a shared dashboard, investigators can quickly analyze and uncover the problem's primary cause.

Using the Visualizations is a No-brainer

With the ability to keep up to 12-month-old aggregated data displaying changes in organizational activities over a selected time frame, visualizing, investigating, and reacting to security findings have never been more straightforward.

Amazon Monitron

Industrial machinery is prone to untimely damages and breakdowns, which may cause unplanned downtime and unproductivity. What's worse is that detecting the looming breakages naturally is almost impossible. But with Amazon Monitron, you can easily leverage machine learning to see abnormal machinery behavior ahead of time, enabling you to enact predictive maintenance.

The tool has sensors that capture temperature and vibration details from machinery. It goes ahead to analyze the data and report on abnormal operating behavior, signaling possible failures in equipment.

Amazon Monitron is beneficial in the following ways:

  • Cost-effectiveness. Unlike conventional sensors and pay-as-you-go services, Amazon Monitron allows you to monitor your equipment with a low-cost upfront investment.

  • Optimal data security. You can rest assured your data is highly secured, thanks to real-time encryption, whether at rest or in transit.

  • Detect problems beforehand. You can uncover any abnormal behavior in your machinery and take proactive actions before compounding serious issues.

Choose the Right AWS Tools for Your Business

Amazon AWS dashboard and tools are here to streamline business and organizational operations through unbeatable cloud technology. Whether it's data security, faster threat remediation, real-time data analysis - you name it - it's time to start getting the most out of your service.

Have you been yearning to switch to the cloud but have no idea where to begin? Don't worry; Magnataur is here to help. Let us help you increase service quality and lower the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by leveraging cloud-based technologies.

To learn more about the resources we used within this blog post, click the resources below for further information:

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